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Ryarc AI and Computer Vision Camera, AI Templates, Audience Analytics

Trigger Content based on Gender, Age, Dwell time and custom AI models with Ryarc Camera vision and AI. Get Detailed Analytics.

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Ryarc AI and computer vision – Target content based on Audience metrics. Get actionable analytics and data.

Audience count, Age, Gender, Dwell time, Gaze

Use Ryarc AI and Computer vision to trigger content based on face recognition, audience metrics like number of people, audience age, audience gender, or based on audience dwell time. It can also detect eye gaze to see who’s looking.

Triggers based on AI Models

Ryarc’s facial recognition system can integrate AI models to help address the requirements of any specific business situation. For example, an AI model to detect hand gestures or emotional reactions, health and safety models to detect for example whether a mask is worn properly, detect products, shapes, etc. The possibilities of AI and machine learning models are endless.

Get Reports with actionable data and analytics

With Ryarc face recognition system, you can generate reports to check audience count, gender, age, dwell time, and gaze (how many people looked vis a vis how many were around). This can be of tremendous value in analyzing the effectiveness of the campaigns and content.

Combine camera feeds, sensor data, AI models

You can combine camera feeds, data from sensors, AI models, and category attributes to create triggers for conditional playback based on set rules. This can help serve content that is continuously adapting based on audience attributes and business situations.

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Discover the benefits of using Ryarc Camera Vision

Audience Count

Trigger content based on peak hours, and high-traffic locations. Get Audience count metrics.

Audience Dwell time

Trigger content based on audience dwell time near the screen. Get Audience Dwell time metrics.

Audience Gender & Age

Trigger content based on the gender and age of the audience. Get Audience gender and age metrics.

Track Audience Gaze

Ryarc AI and Camera vision can track eye gaze to provide metrics on the audience looking at the screen.

Combine camera feeds, sensor data, AI models

Combine camera feeds, sensor data, AI models, and category attributes to create triggers for conditional playback.


Set up conditional playback of content

Use the CampaignManager’s conditional playback feature to serve content at targeted locations based on set conditions.

Extensive Reports and Analytics

Get extensive audience analytics reports and analytics to get feedback about the effectiveness of your campaign.

Available free with Ryarc annual plan

Ryarc AI and camera vision is priced very reasonably compared to other solutions. It is also available free with certain plans.

AI models based on Hand Gestures

Train and use AI models to detect hand gestures.

AI models based on Emotional Reactions

Train and use AI models to detect emotional reactions.

Safety precautions AI Models hand wash, mask. etc.

AI Models can be trained to detect hand wash, masks, etc.

Backed by world class support

Customers enjoy the personalized support from our team available.